April 14, 2024: Becoming in Our Lives Today what God Created Us to Be!"Zacchaeus! Make Haste and Come Down! I Will Abide in Your House Today!"The Significance of Pentecost in Our Lives Today!What Happens When You've Lost All Hope! (The Sunday of the Man Born Blind)The Christmas Homily: Christ is born! Glorify Him!Celebrating the Fall Feast Day of the 7 Holy Youths!The Power of the Precious and Life-giving Cross!The Astonishing Story of Maximilian and the Seven Holy Youths of Ephesus!Finding the way back home through faith!Discovering how to triumph over the evil in our lives and others to be set free to love!Acquiring a Single Eye to Be Filled with the Light of Christ!Discovering How the Power of Pentecost Can Be Experienced in Our Lives Today!Discovering why Jesus chose the Mount of Olives as the place where He met with His disciples before His ascent into heaven!The 6th Sunday of Pascha: The Blind Man
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The Bible Study Begins!
The Orthodox chapel of the Seven Holy Youths has begun a Bible Study on the Centrality of the Bible in the Church! We invite you to join us whether you are Orthodox or not to take advantage of this great opportunity for spiritual growth and discipleship!
Baptisms in Gilbert Lake!
We give thanks to God for the baptisms of the newly illumined John and Moses in Gilbert Lake this past October 12th!
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St. Dionysios Monastery Celebrates Feast Day!
St. Dionysios is a great supporter of the mission of the Seven Holy Youths of Ephesus and will be joining us once again here at the Chapel as we celebrate our Feast Day this coming November 4th!
Christ Church In Taiwan celebrates its Feast Day!
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The Summer Feast Day, '24!
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