Visiting the Chapel

Visiting the Chapel for the Very First Time? Very Exciting!
If you are a first time visitor to the Chapel and new to Orthodoxy, Welcome! The adventure of a life-time and then some is about to begin!
We are so excited that you are here! Read Fr. Photie's and Mat. Photini's own journey to Orthodoxy here to get a sense of their excitement for you!
Coming to an Orthodox Worship Service is an experience probably unlike anything you have ever known! Here are some helpful things for you to know!
- Feel at home because you are! After searching and searching for the place where you belong, you have arrived at last because the Orthodox Church is the Church from the beginning and our ancestral home!
- Don't worry! Be happy! This is your first visit to the Church! As a baby comes into the world wide-eyed and wondering at all that lies ahead, we encourage you to be the same way! The only requirement is to be yourself!
- If you can't wait to begin, start here! First, read this article by Mat. Frederica Matthews-Green, and then listen to this podcast with Deacon Michael Hyatt to learn more about just what you might find within the doors of an Orthodox Church!